Articles and information

eMAG: Proč by váš e-shop měl být na této platformě?

Denisa Pilařová
4 minutes of reading

eMAG je největší online marketplace v Rumunsku, který se rozrostl do Polska, Bulharska a Maďarska. Tím se stal klíčovým hráčem v oblasti e-commerce. Díky své široké nabídce produktů a silnému zázemí má eMAG obrovský potenciál oslovit miliony zákazníků. Pokud provozujete e-shop, eMAG může být ideálním místem, kde můžete své produkty nabídnout širšímu publiku, což zvyšuje šance na úspěch a růst vašeho podnikání.

News from the world of marketing, product comparators and the Conviu app.

The maximum is 2 times a month.

E-shop owner

Conviu is made for you. Not like. Really. With one tool for a reasonable monthly price, you'll cover agendas that would otherwise require at least 3 different tools... and half a programmer to go with it.

Marketing agency

Managing feeds, comparators and prices for multiple clients has never been so easy and fast.Conviu will be appreciated by larger agencies, but also by one-person agencies (freelancers). The price works out well for everyone

Supplier / Manufacturer

Are your subscribers figuring out what should be in the merchandise feed? End endless discussions and serve them the data they want. You will also use the monitoring of your competition prices and a sophisticated system of alerts