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Contact information
Havlíčkova 1053,
Chrudim II,
537 01 Chrudim Offices:
Havlíčkova 1053,
537 01 Chrudim
Support and Help:
Billing information
Conviu s.r.o.Havlíčkova 1053
Chrudim II
537 01 Chrudim
DIČ: CZ08419230
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze oddíl C, vložka 318741.
Bank connection
Platby v CZK a EUR, BÚ: 1704533002/5500
IBAN: CZ5455000000001704533002
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About Us
My name is Ivana Broklová and I have been professionally involved in marketing since 2010, obtaining various certifications in this field over the years. I gained valuable experience gradually in several leading e-shops in the Czech Republic and abroad. I focused primarily on online marketing and product pricing.
In 2013, I completed my studies in Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Economics and Administration in Pardubice, where my thesis dealt with data processing using artificial intelligence algorithms. Currently at Conviu, I lead a team specializing in marketing services and data processing. Our goal is to help clients optimize their processes and achieve the best possible results through the use of modern technologies.
My name is Tomáš Pilař and I am a backend developer with a huge passion for programming, which I've been doing since I was 15. My formal IT education includes studies at both high school and university level with a focus on information technology.
During my career, I have actively contributed to the development of the programming community by conducting professional training, both public and custom-made for individual companies. I have also shared my knowledge and experience as a speaker at various programming conferences.
Currently, I hold the position of CTO at Conviu, where I am responsible for the technological vision and strategy of the entire platform. My key task is to ensure our application meets the highest standards in performance, reliability, and efficiency for both current and future needs of our users.